Friday, December 19, 2008

Road Work, Part Deux

As you can see, the work on our street continues. The pallets are stacked with the gray, curvy bricks that will be laid to form the new road surface, like a modern cobblestone. The pave stones have reached just beyond the dump truck which is two houses down from us so hopefully we'll have a road again by the new year.
You can see our house now that the leaves have fallen from the trees.
A few hours after I took these pictures it started to rain and then to snow so now everything is a big, sloppy mess.

1 comment:

Grandma Ann said...

The house looks impressive in this picture.

When do you think the street will be finished? The truck and street remind me of construction in Berlin when your dad and I lived there in 1960/61.

We have tons of snow today!!!!
Can't see our roads.
