Monday, December 15, 2008

The Christmas Tree

Late afternoon I was typing my story and then mom comes over to where I am. All of a sudden the Christmas tree just fell over PLOP! All the Christmas presents were wet because mom just watered the tree and I didn't see if any of the lights were broken. Mom was expecting a lady over to get some papers so we wiped up as fast as we could. Finally after struggling to get the tree up we just threw it outside for the night. After the tree mess was cleaned up dad got home and we tried to see how long it would take for him to notice the tree was gone.

by Michael Burke

PS from Debbie- Luckily only the lights had been hung on the tree so no ornaments were broken. This afternoon Kyle and I will try again to set the tree in an upright position but we'll leave it on the back patio, in case it topples over again (don't need all that water on the floor again).


Ryan said...

"All the Christmas presents were wet" -- Disaster?

What causes a tree to suddenly pay more attention to gravity?

Burke Family said...

Maybe there's something about Polish trees that I don't know!