Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Here are all our kids waiting on the stairs Christmas morning- Kyle and Michael in the back, Katy, Lisa, and Ryan in the front. Ryan and Lisa stayed up until 1:45am in order to watch us open our presents Christmas morning; true dedication for which I am grateful and appreciative. As is our custom, the kids are allowed to open their stockings whenever they wake up but then they have to be quiet until they can begin to see daylight. When Tim and I get up, we go downstairs first to turn on the Christmas lights and ready the cameras. We always take a picture of the kids just before entering the living room. Then while we open presents we enjoy cocoa and homemade doughnuts.


Grandma Ann said...

Thank you Debbie for loading the pictures. It is nice to see all of the children pictured all together.

bstorms said...

Who got the pickle Jeanette asks.

Burke Family said...

Michael found the pickle this year and the present was a giant chocolate Santa.