Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun in the Snow

We have been enjoying snow flurries on and off for two days and nights. Sunday morning the kids had a snowball fight and Michael made a snowman. The first picture is from Kyle's bedroom window. The gray bars cover most of the windows and are remants from when Warsaw was considered a higher risk assignment.
Too snowy for me so here I am a racing blur on the treadmill in our bedroom.

View of the neighborhood from the master bedroom.

Another view from our bedroom.

Are Katy and Kyle playing snow baseball or is Katy defending herself from an attack?

The back yard.

These pictures were taken at about 11am and you can see how low the sun is in the sky. Sunset is around 3:30 with another month to go to the winter solstice.

1 comment:

Grandma Ann said...

How great to have snow. We are still waiting for some here.

I anticipate the first snow is very exciting.

Keep those pictures coming!

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