Friday, March 6, 2009

Apology to My Mother

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry for never hanging up my coat, for not cleaning out the dishwasher until after you had to nag me repeatedly, for leaving crumbs and mess on the kitchen counter after having a snack, for endless piles of dirty laundry, for waiting until the last minute to do homework and then needing help, for tracking dirt throughout the house, not practicing the piano enough, and generally leaving my junk strewn about.

What's my motivation you may ask. Well, let's just say that life has come full circle and I have become the nag-er rather than the nag-ee! But I am endlessly patient and look forward to someday watching my grandchildren annoy the heck out of their parents!


1 comment:

Grandma Ann said...

Dear Debbie...

I sent you a comment yesterday but it didn't post.

It said something about my not remembering you being a problem in neatness, etc. If you were...I certainly don't remember and time does heal things doesn't.

Do you remember reading the book "The Women's Room" when you were a teenager? It was about a woman who left her marriage and how her sons hated her. You read it and apologized to me for your behavior. I told you that you need not apologize...that you didn't behave anything like those boys.

When I visit in April I would like to go down memory lane with our recollections and maybe record them or write them down. It might be a fun journey.

Love, Mom