Thursday, February 14, 2008

Flip Flop Watch, Day 5

Since last summer I have been conducting my own private survey- how far into the fall season will women wear flip flop sandals? Evidently there is no temperature limit because my most recent sighting of naked feet in flip flops was five days ago. Keep in mind that I live in northern Virginia where it's freezing cold!
What's up with girls? Too lazy to bend over to put on a pair of socks or closed-toe shoes? Clogs would be as convenient and a lot warmer. Do they feel the need to show how much money they spend on pedicures? Kyle thinks it's for the same reason girls starve themselve to look thin-other people's perceptions matter more than personal comfort.
As absurd as I think the winter wearing of flip flops to be, the watch continues. And I will admit that I feel triumphant when I spot a pair (the local high school girls can usually be counted on to keep my sightings within a week of each other).

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