Friday, April 24, 2009

Some Pictures from Easter Sunday

The kids are ready to begin their chocolate hunt when Katy and Michael realize that Kyle has been sneaking candy he found hidden by the flowers on the stairs.
Tim said, "Go!" and then the kids were a blur. Can you spot Kyle's headless body speeding through the picture?
Sunday afternoon, we went to the embassy party at the ambassador's residence. Kyle deemed himself too old to attend so we replaced him with the Easter rabbit. Michael looks quite grown up in his new glasses.
Ann and Debbie posing in the garden. I have since lopped off my frizzy mass of hair.
View of the party and Warsaw. Perfect weather.
Mom chatting up the ambassador and his wife; I appear to be superfluous!

1 comment:

Grandma Ann said...

Good Show!!!! You are much better at updating a blog than I am.
Over this weekend, I will try to put some photos up on my blog...perhaps some from the girls' day out in the park.
