Monday, September 27, 2010

Warsaw Marathon

(Smiling and excited only because we had no idea what was to come)
(Smiling only because we were grateful to be motionless)

What a horrible race (us, not the course)! This was the absolute worst I have ever felt (including birthing four children)- my leg muscles seized, I was nauseated, both hands were tingling, and my head was woozy. By mile 18 I forced Tim to go ahead without me so that I could take walk breaks without slowing him down. We had originally planned to keep the 4:15 pace balloons in sight but had to let them go after around mile 15. When the 4:30 pacers passed me around mile 22 I wanted to cry. Tim kept moving and finished at 4:28:? I hobbled and limped across the finish line at 4:36:? which is not my worst time but certainly wasn't the 4:15 for which I was hoping. Don't know what happened; sometimes it just doesn't come together.
I consoled myself with Advil, a pint of Ben and Jerry's, and many episodes of Big Bang Theory (season 3 just arrived from Amazon). Tim ate his pint, watched a couple of episodes, and then went to work (on a Sunday, after a depleting race!).

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