Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kyle is Sweet Sixteen

Poor Kyle is a 16 year old American boy trapped in a country with a driving age of 18. Feeling badly for him, we took him to the embassy on a Sunday afternoon and let him drive around the empty parking lot. We thought that if embassy grounds are a piece of American soil then the American minimum driving age must apply! He circled the lot four times and then was relieved to relinquish the wheel. And, unlike Ryan's first drivers ed experience, Kyle did not get pulled over by the police for stopping too far before a STOP sign!
Wearing his Christmas present from Annette, Kyle prepares to blow. University of Virginia and Virginia Tech are his initial college wish-list.
We hid one of Kyle's treasure hunt presents and clue on the cat. He was amazingly tolerant.
Four layers and all chocolate. For the first time in our history, no Burke was able to finish a piece of cake (and remember, I have passed on the Mallinson gene which results in an huge capacity for dessert).


Grandma Ann said...

Happy Birthday Kyle! Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
The chocolate cake looks YUMMY!

Debbi said...

My boys said yum, yum, yum, I want that when they saw the picture of the cake.

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Debbi said...

Garrett would like me to ask you for the cake recipe.

Ryan said...

I'd like to file a correction. I braked upon seeing a squad car and panicking, not due to a distant stop sign! =)